Whitby Brewers is inspired by the hand lettering on a reverse glass painted Victorian advertising mirror, found and recorded in the wonderful Beck Isle Museum, Pickering, North Yorkshire, in the UK. The museum also houses a working letterpress print room, which is a treat.
Alternates for some capitals are available in Open Type enabled Apps or through the Glyphs Palette or Character Map. (Refer to your app/OS manual as to how to insert special characters/glyphs)
Whitby Brewers is served free for personal use and served ?as is?. If you like Whitby Brewers, please feel free to make a ?domestic brew? sized donation to the ?buy the author a beer fund? using the donate button. For any commercial use, should you find one for it, a donation (How much is up to you) should be considered mandatory! Enjoy!
Alternates for some capitals are available in Open Type enabled Apps or through the Glyphs Palette or Character Map. (Refer to your app/OS manual as to how to insert special characters/glyphs)
Whitby Brewers is served free for personal use and served ?as is?. If you like Whitby Brewers, please feel free to make a ?domestic brew? sized donation to the ?buy the author a beer fund? using the donate button. For any commercial use, should you find one for it, a donation (How much is up to you) should be considered mandatory! Enjoy!