Hostil Trash

Hostil Trash Free, by Intellecta Design

Hostil Trash Free has a different font style set than the orioginal "Hostil" font. Purchase the original Hostil (a multi-language family of eight fonts) with respective commercial licences at MyFonts.Com, visiting

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To acquire commercial licences of the free versions contact Paulo W, by Intellecta Design

Donations are appreciated!
Hostil is a modern typeface ready to fight for you. In any territory. Hostil has complete sets in Latin, Hebrew, Cyrillic, and Greek chracters. Plus Cen tral Eu ropean, Vietnamese, Baltic, Turkish complete sets with all diacritic signs and punctuation marks and extra characters belonging this ranges. Hostil has a wide variety of presentations, like Regular, Bold, Italic, Outline Wide, ExtraWide, Shadow and Compressed.
Designed by: Intellecta Design
Category: Dirty
File size: 354.6kb
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Hostil Trash lowercase

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Hostil Trash uppercase

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Hostil Trash characters